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Burn (acid) (cathode ray) (caustic) (chemical) (electric heating appliance) (electricity) (fire) (flame) (hot liquid or object) (irradiation) (lime) (radiation) (steam) (thermal) (x-ray) 949.0
90 percent or more 948.9
lower - see Burn, leg
upper - see Burn, arm(s)
eye(s) (and adnexa) (only) 940.9
face, head, or neck 941.02
first degree 941.12
second degree 941.22
third degree 941.32
deep 941.42
with loss of body part 941.52
other sites (classifiable to more than one category in 940-945) - see Burn, multiple, specified sites
resulting rupture and destruction of eyeball 940.5
specified part - see Burn, by site
eyeball - see also Burn, eye
with resulting rupture and destruction of eyeball 940.5
eyelid(s) 940.1
chemical 940.0
face - see Burn, head
finger (nail) (subungual) 944.01
hand(s) - see Burn, hand(s), multiple sites
other sites - see Burn, multiple, specified sites
thumb 944.04
first degree 944.14
second degree 944.24
third degree 944.34
deep 944.44
with loss of body part 944.54
first degree 944.11
second degree 944.21
third degree 944.31
deep 944.41
with loss of body part 944.51
multiple (digits) 944.03
with thumb - see Burn, finger, with thumb
first degree 944.13
second degree 944.23
third degree 944.33
deep 944.43
with loss of body part 944.53
flank - see Burn, abdomen
foot 945.02
lower limb(s) - see Burn, leg, multiple sites
first degree 945.12
second degree 945.22
third degree 945.32
deep 945.42
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