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Burn (acid) (cathode ray) (caustic) (chemical) (electric heating appliance) (electricity) (fire) (flame) (hot liquid or object) (irradiation) (lime) (radiation) (steam) (thermal) (x-ray) 949.0
face or head - see Burn, head, multiple sites
first degree 941.15
second degree 941.25
third degree 941.35
deep 941.45
with loss of body part 941.55
occipital region - see Burn, scalp
orbit region 940.1
chemical 940.0
oronasopharynx 947.0
palate 947.0
palm(s) 944.05
hand(s) and wrist(s) - see Burn, hand(s), multiple sites
first degree 944.15
second degree 944.25
third degree 944.35
deep 944.45
with loss of a body part 944.55
parietal region - see Burn, scalp
penis - see Burn, genitourinary organs, external
perineum - see Burn, genitourinary organs, external
periocular area 940.1
chemical 940.0
pharynx 947.0
pleura 947.1
popliteal space - see Burn, knee
prepuce - see Burn, genitourinary organs, external
pubic region - see Burn, genitourinary organs, external
pudenda - see Burn, genitourinary organs, external
rectum 947.3
sac, lacrimal 940.1
chemical 940.0
sacral region - see Burn, back
salivary (ducts) (glands) 947.0
scalp 941.06
face or neck - see Burn, head, multiple sites
first degree 941.16
second degree 941.26
third degree 941.36
deep 941.46
with loss of body part 941.56
scapular region 943.06
upper limb(s), except hand(s) or wrist(s) - see Burn, arm(s), multiple sites
first degree 943.16
second degree 943.26
third degree 943.36
deep 943.46
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