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Calculus, calculi, calculous 592.9
ampulla of Vater - see Choledocholithiasis
anuria (impacted) (recurrent) 592.0
appendix 543.9
bile duct (any) - see Choledocholithiasis
biliary - see Cholelithiasis
bilirubin, multiple - see Cholelithiasis
bladder (encysted) (impacted) (urinary) 594.1
diverticulum 594.0
bronchus 518.89
calyx (kidney) (renal) 592.0
congenital 753.3
cholesterol (pure) (solitary) - see Cholelithiasis
common duct (bile) - see Choledocholithiasis
conjunctiva 372.54
cystic 594.1
duct - see Cholelithiasis
dental 523.6
subgingival 523.6
supragingival 523.6
epididymis 608.89
gallbladder - see also Cholelithiasis
congenital 751.69
hepatic (duct) - see Choledocholithiasis
intestine (impaction) (obstruction) 560.39
kidney (impacted) (multiple) (pelvis) (recurrent) (staghorn) 592.0
congenital 753.3
lacrimal (passages) 375.57
liver (impacted) - see Choledocholithiasis
lung 518.89
mammographic 793.89
nephritic (impacted) (recurrent) 592.0
nose 478.19
pancreas (duct) 577.8
parotid gland 527.5
pelvis, encysted 592.0
prostate 602.0
pulmonary 518.89
renal (impacted) (recurrent) 592.0
congenital 753.3
salivary (duct) (gland) 527.5
seminal vesicle 608.89
staghorn 592.0
Stensen's duct 527.5
sublingual duct or gland 527.5
congenital 750.26
submaxillary duct, gland, or region 527.5
suburethral 594.8
tonsil 474.8
tooth, teeth 523.6
tunica vaginalis 608.89
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