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atherosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis, extremities
embolism 996.74
occlusion NEC 996.74
thrombus 996.74
bone growth stimulator NEC 996.78
infection or inflammation 996.67
bone marrow transplant 996.85
breast implant (prosthetic) NEC 996.79
infection or inflammation 996.69
mechanical 996.54
bypass - see also Complications, anastomosis
aortocoronary 996.03
atherosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary
embolism 996.72
occlusion NEC 996.72
thrombus 996.72
carotid artery 996.1
atherosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary
embolism 996.74
occlusion NEC 996.74
thrombus 996.74
cardiac (see also Disease, heart) 429.9
device, implant, or graft NEC 996.72
infection or inflammation 996.61
long-term effect 429.4
mechanical (see also Complications, mechanical, by type) 996.00
valve prosthesis 996.71
infection or inflammation 996.61
postoperative NEC 997.1
long-term effect 429.4
cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
carotid artery bypass graft 996.1
atherosclerosis - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary
embolism 996.74
occlusion NEC 996.74
thrombus 996.74
cataract fragments in eye  998.82
catheter device NEC - see also Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC
mechanical - see Complications, mechanical, catheter
cecostomy 569.60
cesarean section wound 674.3
chemotherapy (antineoplastic) 995.29
chin implant (prosthetic) NEC 996.79
infection or inflammation 996.69
mechanical 996.59
colostomy (enterostomy) 569.60
specified type NEC 569.69
contraceptive device, intrauterine NEC 996.76
infection 996.65
inflammation 996.65
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