Complications |
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postcardiotomy syndrome 429.4 |
postcholecystectomy syndrome 576.0 |
postcommissurotomy syndrome 429.4 |
postgastrectomy dumping syndrome 564.2 |
postmastectomy lymphedema syndrome 457.0 |
cholesteatoma, recurrent 383.32 |
postvagotomy syndrome 564.2 |
postvalvulotomy syndrome 429.4 |
reattached extremity (infection) (rejection) (see also Complications, reattached, extremity) 996.90 |
shock (endotoxic) (hypovolemic) (septic) 998.0 |
shunt, prosthetic (thrombus) - see also Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0- 996.5 NEC |
specified complication NEC 998.89 |
transplant - see Complications, graft |
ureterostomy malfunction 997.5 |
urethrostomy malfunction 997.5 |
vascular |
therapeutic misadventure NEC 999.9 |
transfusion (blood) (lymphocytes) (plasma) NEC 999.89 |
acute lung injury (TRALI) 518.7 |
atrophy, liver, yellow, subacute (within 8 months of administration) - see Hepatitis, viral |
embolism |
hepatitis (serum) (type B) (within 8 months after administration) - see Hepatitis, viral |
incompatibility reaction (ABO) (blood group) 999.6 |
jaundice (serum) (within 8 months after administration) - see Hepatitis, viral |
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