Deficiency, deficient |
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ICSH (interstitial cell-stimulating hormone) 253.4 |
with |
hyperimmunoglobulinemia 279.2 |
thrombocytopenia and eczema 279.12 |
immunoglobulin, selective NEC 279.03 |
inositol (B complex) 266.2 |
interstitial cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH) 253.4 |
intrinsic factor (Castle's) (congenital) 281.0 |
intrinsic (urethral) sphincter (ISD) 599.82 |
labile factor (congenital) (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.3 |
lacrimal fluid (acquired) 375.15 |
laki-Lorand factor (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.3 |
lecithin-cholesterol acyltranferase 272.5 |
LH (luteinizing hormone) 253.4 |
congenital (see also Deficiency, lower limb, congenital) 755.30 |
congenital (see also Deficiency, upper limb, congenital) 755.20 |
lipoid (high-density) 272.5 |
lipoprotein (familial) (high-density) 272.5 |
liver phosphorylase 271.0 |
long chain 3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase (LCHAD) 277.85 |
long chain/very long chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase (LCAD, VLCAD) 277.85 |
with complete absence of distal elements 755.31 |
longitudinal (complete) (partial) (with distal deficiencies, incomplete) 755.32 |
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