Deficiency, deficient |
| |
serum |
antitrypsin, familial 273.4 |
protein (congenital) 273.8 |
short chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase (SCAD) 277.85 |
short stature homeobox gene (SHOX) |
with |
short stature (idiopathic) 783.43 |
smooth pursuit movements (eye) 379.58 |
SPCA (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.3 |
stable factor (congenital) (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.3 |
Stuart (-Prower) factor (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.3 |
thiamine, thiaminic (chloride) 265.1 |
thrombokinase (see also Defect, coagulation) 286.3 |
toe - see Absence, toe |
tooth bud (see also Anodontia) 520.0 |
UDPG-glycogen transferase 271.0 |
with complete absence of distal elements 755.21 |
longitudinal (complete) (partial) (with distal deficiencies, incomplete) 755.22 |
combined humeral, radial, ulnar (incomplete) 755.23 |
transverse (complete) (partial) 755.21 |
viosterol (see also Deficiency, calciferol) 268.9 |
vitamin (multiple) NEC 269.2 |
| |