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atrial septal (congenital) (heart) 745.5 |
auditory canal (congenital) (external) (see also Deformity, ear) 744.3 |
auricle |
ear (congenital) (see also Deformity, ear) 744.3 |
back (acquired) - see Deformity, spine |
Bartholin's duct (congenital) 750.9 |
with calculus, choledocholithiasis, or stones - see Choledocholithiasis |
biliary duct or passage (congenital) 751.60 |
with calculus, choledocholithiasis, or stones - see Choledocholithiasis |
bladder (neck) (sphincter) (trigone) (acquired) 596.8 |
bone (acquired) NEC 738.9 |
bronchus (congenital) 748.3 |
canthus (congenital) 743.9 |
capillary (acquired) 448.9 |
congenital NEC (see also Deformity, vascular) 747.60 |
cardiac - see Deformity, heart |
cardiovascular system (congenital) 746.9 |
caruncle, lacrimal (congenital) 743.9 |
cerebral (congenital) 742.9 |
cervix (acquired) (uterus) 622.8 |
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