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eversion, cervix or uterus 665.2
fetal growth 653.5
causing obstructed labor 660.1
size of fetus 653.5
causing obstructed labor 660.1
face presentation 652.4
causing obstructed labor 660.0
to pubes 660.3
failure, fetal head to enter pelvic brim 652.5
causing obstructed labor 660.0
female genital mutilation 660.8
acid-base balance 656.8
death (near term) NEC 656.4
early (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 632
deformity 653.7
causing obstructed labor 660.1
distress 656.8
heart rate or rhythm 659.7
reduction of multiple fetuses reduced to single fetus 651.7
fetopelvic disproportion 653.4
causing obstructed labor 660.1
fever during labor 659.2
fibroid (tumor) (uterus) 654.1
causing obstructed labor 660.2
fibromyomata 654.1
causing obstructed labor 660.2
forelying umbilical cord 663.0
fracture of coccyx 665.6
hematoma 664.5
broad ligament 665.7
ischial spine 665.7
pelvic 665.7
perineum 664.5
soft tissues 665.7
subdural 674.0
umbilical cord 663.6
vagina 665.7
vulva or perineum 664.5
hemorrhage (uterine) (antepartum) (intrapartum) (pregnancy) 641.9
accidental 641.2
associated with
afibrinogenemia 641.3
coagulation defect 641.3
hyperfibrinolysis 641.3
hypofibrinogenemia 641.3
cerebral 674.0
due to
low-lying placenta 641.1
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