Delivery |
| |
premature separation of placenta (normally implanted) 641.2 |
marginal sinus rupture 641.2 |
postpartum (atonic) (immediate) (within 24 hours) 666.1 |
with retained or trapped placenta 666.0 |
hourglass contraction, uterus 661.4 |
hydrocephalic fetus 653.6 |
causing obstructed labor 660.1 |
causing obstructed labor 660.1 |
hypertension - see Hypertension, complicating pregnancy |
hypertonic uterine dysfunction 661.4 |
hypotonic uterine dysfunction 661.2 |
incarceration, uterus 654.3 |
causing obstructed labor 660.2 |
incomplete dilation (cervix) 661.0 |
incoordinate uterus 661.4 |
infantile |
causing obstructed labor 660.2 |
causing obstructed labor 660.2 |
injury (to mother) NEC 665.9 |
intrauterine fetal death (near term) NEC 656.4 |
early (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 632 |
causing obstructed labor 660.2 |
knot (true), umbilical cord 663.2 |
labor, premature (before 37 completed weeks gestation) 644.2 |
anus (sphincter) (healed) (old) 654.8 |
not associated with third-degree perineal laceration 664.6 |
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