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placenta previa 641.1
premature separation of placenta (normally implanted) 641.2
retained placenta 666.0
trauma 641.8
uterine leiomyoma 641.8
marginal sinus rupture 641.2
placenta NEC 641.9
postpartum (atonic) (immediate) (within 24 hours) 666.1
with retained or trapped placenta 666.0
delayed 666.2
secondary 666.2
third stage 666.0
hourglass contraction, uterus 661.4
hydramnios 657
hydrocephalic fetus 653.6
causing obstructed labor 660.1
hydrops fetalis 653.7
causing obstructed labor 660.1
hypertension - see Hypertension, complicating pregnancy
hypertonic uterine dysfunction 661.4
hypotonic uterine dysfunction 661.2
impacted shoulders 660.4
incarceration, uterus 654.3
causing obstructed labor 660.2
incomplete dilation (cervix) 661.0
incoordinate uterus 661.4
indication NEC 659.9
specified type NEC 659.8
inertia, uterus 661.2
hypertonic 661.4
hypotonic 661.2
primary 661.0
secondary 661.1
genitalia 654.4
causing obstructed labor 660.2
uterus (os) 654.4
causing obstructed labor 660.2
injury (to mother) NEC 665.9
intrauterine fetal death (near term) NEC 656.4
early (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 632
inversion, uterus 665.2
kidney, ectopic 654.4
causing obstructed labor 660.2
knot (true), umbilical cord 663.2
labor, premature (before 37 completed weeks gestation) 644.2
laceration 664.9
anus (sphincter) (healed) (old) 654.8
with mucosa 664.3
not associated with third-degree perineal laceration 664.6
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