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causing obstructed labor 660.2
malpresentation 652.9
causing obstructed labor 660.0
marginal sinus (bleeding) (rupture) 641.2
maternal hypotension syndrome 669.2
meconium in liquor 656.8
membranes, retained - see Delivery, complicated, placenta, retained
mentum presentation 652.4
causing obstructed labor 660.0
metrorrhagia (myopathia) - see Delivery, complicated, hemorrhage
metrorrhexis - see Delivery, complicated, rupture, uterus
multiparity (grand) 659.4
myelomeningocele, fetus 653.7
causing obstructed labor 660.1
Nägele's pelvis 653.0
causing obstructed labor 660.1
nonengagement, fetal head 652.5
causing obstructed labor 660.0
oblique presentation 652.3
causing obstructed labor 660.0
shock 669.1
trauma NEC 665.9
obstructed labor 660.9
due to
abnormality of pelvic organs or tissues (conditions classifiable to 654.0-654.9) 660.2
deep transverse arrest 660.3
impacted shoulders 660.4
locked twins 660.5
malposition and malpresentation of fetus (conditions classifiable to 652.0-652.9) 660.0
persistent occipitoposterior 660.3
shoulder dystocia 660.4
occult prolapse of umbilical cord 663.0
oversize fetus 653.5
causing obstructed labor 660.1
pathological retraction ring, uterus 661.4
arrest (deep) (high) (of fetal head) (transverse) 660.3
deformity (bone) - see also Deformity, pelvis, with disproportion
soft tissue 654.9
causing obstructed labor 660.2
tumor NEC 654.9
causing obstructed labor 660.2
penetration, pregnant uterus by instrument 665.1
perforation - see Delivery, complicated, laceration
hymen 654.8
causing obstructed labor 660.2
occipitoposterior 660.3
placenta, placental
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