Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome |
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Erichsen's (railway spine) 300.16 |
Eulenburg's (congenital paramyotonia) 359.29 |
Evans' (thrombocytopenic purpura) 287.32 |
external auditory canal 380.9 |
Fabry's (angiokeratoma corporis diffusum) 272.7 |
facial nerve (seventh) 351.9 |
Fahr-Volhard (malignant nephrosclerosis) 403.00 |
fallopian tube, noninflammatory 620.9 |
Fanconi's (congenital pancytopenia) 284.09 |
Farber's (disseminated lipogranulomatosis) 272.8 |
Fauchard's (periodontitis) 523.40 |
Favre-Durand-Nicolas (climatic bubo) 099.1 |
Favre-Racouchot (elastoidosis cutanea nodularis) 701.8 |
Felix's (juvenile osteochondrosis, hip) 732.1 |
Fenwick's (gastric atrophy) 537.89 |
Fernels' (aortic aneurysm) 441.9 |
fibrocaseous, of lung (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9 |
fibrocystic - see also Fibrocystic, disease |
Fiedler's (leptospiral jaundice) 100.0 |
Filatoff's (infectious mononucleosis) 075 |
Filatov's (infectious mononucleosis) 075 |
specified type of lead - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals |
Flajani (-Basedow) (exophthalmic goiter) 242.0 |
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