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Displacement, displaced
acquired traumatic of bone, cartilage, joint, tendon NEC (without fracture) (see also Dislocation) 839.8
with fracture - see Fracture, by site
adrenal gland (congenital) 759.1
alveolus and teeth, vertical 524.75
appendix, retrocecal (congenital) 751.5
auricle (congenital) 744.29
bladder (acquired) 596.8
congenital 753.8
brachial plexus (congenital) 742.8
brain stem, caudal 742.4
canaliculus lacrimalis 743.65
cardia, through esophageal hiatus 750.6
cerebellum, caudal 742.4
cervix - see Displacement, uterus
colon (congenital) 751.4
device, implant, or graft - see Complications, mechanical
columnar of cervix 622.10
cuboidal, beyond limits of external os (uterus) 752.49
esophageal mucosa into cardia of stomach, congenital 750.4
esophagus (acquired) 530.89
congenital 750.4
eyeball (acquired) (old) 376.36
congenital 743.8
current injury 871.3
lateral 376.36
fallopian tube (acquired) 620.4
congenital 752.19
opening (congenital) 752.19
gallbladder (congenital) 751.69
gastric mucosa 750.7
duodenum 750.7
esophagus 750.7
Meckel's diverticulum, congenital 750.7
globe (acquired) (lateral) (old) 376.36
current injury 871.3
artificial skin graft 996.55
decellularized allodermis graft 996.55
heart (congenital) 746.87
acquired 429.89
hymen (congenital) (upward) 752.49
internal prosthesis NEC - see Complications, mechanical
intervertebral disc (with neuritis, radiculitis, sciatica, or other pain) 722.2
with myelopathy 722.70
cervical, cervicodorsal, cervicothoracic 722.0
with myelopathy 722.71
due to major trauma - see Dislocation, vertebra, cervical
due to trauma - see Dislocation, vertebra
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