Disruption |
| |
due to |
child in |
care of non-parental family member V61.06 |
family member |
return from military deployment V61.02 |
gastrointestinal anastomosis 997.4 |
ligament(s) - see also Sprain |
knee |
current injury - see Dislocation, knee |
involving |
operation wound (external) (see also Dehiscence) 998.32 |
organ transplant, anastomosis site - see Complications, transplant, organ, by site |
ossicles, ossicular chain 385.23 |
traumatic - see Fracture, skull, base |
parenchyma |
liver (hepatic) - see Laceration, liver, major |
spleen - see Laceration, spleen, parenchyma, massive |
phase-shift, of 24 hour sleep wake cycle, unspecified 780.55 |
sleep wake cycle (24 hour), unspecified 780.55 |
suture line (external) (see also Dehiscence) 998.32 |
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