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Granuloma NEC 686.1
abdomen (wall) 568.89
skin (pyogenicum) 686.1
from residual foreign body 709.4
annulare 695.89
anus 569.49
apical 522.6
appendix 543.9
aural 380.23
beryllium (skin) 709.4
lung 503
bone (see also Osteomyelitis) 730.1
eosinophilic 277.89
from residual foreign body 733.99
canaliculus lacrimalis 375.81
cerebral 348.8
cholesterin, middle ear 385.82
coccidioidal (progressive) 114.3
lung 114.4
meninges 114.2
primary (lung) 114.0
colon 569.89
conjunctiva 372.61
dental 522.6
ear, middle (cholesterin) 385.82
with otitis media - see Otitis media
eosinophilic 277.89
bone 277.89
lung 277.89
oral mucosa 528.9
exuberant 701.5
eyelid 374.89
lethal midline 446.3
malignant 446.3
faciale 701.8
fissuratum (gum) 523.8
foot NEC 686.1
foreign body (in soft tissue) NEC 728.82
bone 733.99
in operative wound 998.4
muscle 728.82
skin 709.4
subcutaneous tissue 709.4
fungoides 202.1
gangraenescens 446.3
giant cell (central) (jaw) (reparative) 526.3
gingiva 523.8
peripheral (gingiva) 523.8
gland (lymph) 289.3
Hodgkin's (M9661/3) 201.1
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