Hematoma (skin surface intact) (traumatic) - see also Contusion |
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mesosalpinx (nontraumatic) 620.8 |
traumatic - see Injury, internal, pelvis |
muscle (traumatic) - see Contusion, by site |
nasal (septum) (and other part(s) of neck, scalp, or face, except eye) 920 |
obstetrical surgical wound 674.3 |
orbit, orbital (nontraumatic) 376.32 |
ovary (corpus luteum) (nontraumatic) 620.1 |
traumatic - see Injury, internal, ovary |
pelvis (female) (nontraumatic) 629.89 |
complicating delivery 665.7 |
traumatic - see also Injury, internal, pelvis |
specified organ NEC (see also Injury, internal, pelvis) 867.6 |
pericranial (and neck, or face any part, except eye) 920 |
perineal wound (obstetrical) 674.3 |
complicating delivery 664.5 |
placenta - see Placenta, abnormal |
retroperitoneal (nontraumatic) 568.81 |
traumatic - see Injury, internal, retroperitoneum |
scalp (and neck, or face any part, except eye) 920 |
seminal vesicle (nontraumatic) 608.83 |
traumatic - see Injury, internal, seminal, vesicle |
soft tissue, nontraumatic 729.92 |
spermatic cord - see also Injury, internal, spermatic cord |
spinal (cord) (meninges) - see also Injury, spinal, by site |
with |
laceration - see Laceration, spleen |
sternocleidomastoid, birth injury 767.8 |
sternomastoid, birth injury 767.8 |
subarachnoid - see also Hematoma, brain, subarachnoid |
nontraumatic (see also Hemorrhage, subarachnoid) 430 |
subdural - see also Hematoma, brain, subdural |
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