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Injury 959.9
intra-abdominal (organ) 868.00
with open wound into cavity 868.10
multiple sites 868.09
with open wound into cavity 868.19
specified site NEC 868.09
with open wound into cavity 868.19
intrathoracic organs (multiple) 862.8
with open wound into cavity 862.9
diaphragm (only) - see Injury, internal, diaphragm
heart (only) - see Injury, internal, heart
lung (only) - see Injury, internal, lung
specified site NEC 862.29
with open wound into cavity 862.39
intrauterine (see also Injury, internal, uterus) 867.4
with open wound into cavity 867.5
jejunum 863.29
with open wound into cavity 863.39
kidney (subcapsular) 866.00
disruption of parenchyma (complete) 866.03
with open wound into cavity 866.13
hematoma (without rupture of capsule) 866.01
with open wound into cavity 866.11
laceration 866.02
with open wound into cavity 866.12
open wound into cavity 866.10
liver 864.00
contusion 864.01
with open wound into cavity 864.11
hematoma 864.01
with open wound into cavity 864.11
laceration 864.05
with open wound into cavity 864.15
major (disruption of hepatic parenchyma) 864.04
with open wound into cavity 864.14
minor (capsule only) 864.02
with open wound into cavity 864.12
moderate (involving parenchyma) 864.03
with open wound into cavity 864.13
multiple 864.04
stellate 864.04
with open wound into cavity 864.14
open wound into cavity 864.10
lung 861.20
with open wound into thorax 861.30
hemopneumothorax - see Hemopneumothorax, traumatic
hemothorax - see Hemothorax, traumatic
pneumohemothorax - see Pneumohemothorax, traumatic
pneumothorax - see Pneumothorax, traumatic
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