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any part of fetus, to facilitate delivery 763.89
cervix (supravaginal) (uteri) 622.8
in pregnancy or childbirth 654.6
affecting fetus or newborn 763.89
clitoris - see Wound, open, clitoris
lower limb 755.31
upper limb 755.21
neuroma (traumatic) - see also Injury, nerve, by site
surgical complication (late) 997.61
penis - see Amputation, traumatic, penis
status (without complication) - see Absence, by site, acquired
stump (surgical) (posttraumatic)
abnormal, painful, or with complication (late) 997.60
healed or old NEC - see also Absence, by site, acquired
lower V49.70
upper V49.60
traumatic (complete) (partial)

Note06  "Complicated" includes traumatic amputation with delayed healing, delayed treatment, foreign body, or infection.

arm 887.4
at or above elbow 887.2
complicated 887.3
below elbow 887.0
complicated 887.1
both (bilateral) (any level(s)) 887.6
complicated 887.7
complicated 887.5
finger(s) (one or both hands) 886.0
with thumb(s) 885.0
complicated 885.1
complicated 886.1
foot (except toe(s) only) 896.0
and other leg 897.6
complicated 897.7
both (bilateral) 896.2
complicated 896.3
complicated 896.1
toe(s) only (one or both feet) 895.0
complicated 895.1
genital organ(s) (external) NEC 878.8
complicated 878.9
hand (except finger(s) only) 887.0
and other arm 887.6
complicated 887.7
both (bilateral) 887.6
complicated 887.7
complicated 887.1
finger(s) (one or both hands) 886.0
with thumb(s) 885.0
complicated 885.1
complicated 886.1
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