Lesion(s) |
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thoracic, thoracolumbar 739.2 |
obstructive - see Obstruction |
occlusive |
artery - see Embolism, artery |
organ or site NEC - see Disease, by site |
periodontal, due to traumatic occlusion 523.8 |
peritoneum (granulomatous) 568.89 |
pinta - see Pinta, lesions |
polypoid - see Polyp |
prechiasmal (optic) (see also Lesion, chiasmal) 377.54 |
primary - see also Syphilis, primary |
valve (see also Endocarditis, pulmonary) 424.3 |
retina, retinal - see also Retinopathy |
benign lymphoepithelial 527.8 |
secondary - see Syphilis, secondary |
sinus (accessory) (nasal) (see also Sinusitis) 473.9 |
SLAP (superior glenoid labrum) 840.7 |
space-occupying, intracranial NEC 784.2 |
traumatic (complete) (incomplete) (transverse) - see also Injury, spinal, by site |
with |
broken |
back - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury |
neck - see Fracture, vertebra, cervical, with spinal cord injury |
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