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Abortion (complete) (incomplete) (inevitable) (with retained products of conception) 637.9
complication(s) (any) following previous abortion - see category 639
damage to pelvic organ (laceration) (rupture) (tear) 637.2
embolism (air) (amniotic fluid) (blood clot) (pulmonary) (pyemic) (septic) (soap) 637.6
genital tract and pelvic infection 637.0
hemorrhage, delayed or excessive 637.1
metabolic disorder 637.4
renal failure (acute) 637.3
sepsis (genital tract) (pelvic organ) 637.0
urinary tract 637.7
shock (postoperative) (septic) 637.5
specified complication NEC 637.7
toxemia 637.3
unspecified complication(s) 637.8
urinary tract infection 637.7
accidental - see Abortion, spontaneous
artificial - see Abortion, induced
attempted (failed) - see Abortion, failed
criminal - see Abortion, illegal
early - see Abortion, spontaneous
elective - see Abortion, legal
failed (legal) 638.9
damage to pelvic organ (laceration) (rupture) (tear) 638.2
embolism (air) (amniotic fluid) (blood clot) (pulmonary) (pyemic) (septic) (soap) 638.6
genital tract and pelvic infection 638.0
hemorrhage, delayed or excessive 638.1
metabolic disorder 638.4
renal failure (acute) 638.3
sepsis (genital tract) (pelvic organ) 638.0
urinary tract 638.7
shock (postoperative) (septic) 638.5
specified complication NEC 638.7
toxemia 638.3
unspecified complication(s) 638.8
urinary tract infection 638.7
fetal indication - see Abortion, legal
fetus 779.6
following threatened abortion - see Abortion, by type
habitual or recurrent (care during pregnancy) 646.3
with current abortion (see also Abortion, spontaneous) 634.9
affecting fetus or newborn 761.8
without current pregnancy 629.81
homicidal - see Abortion, illegal
illegal 636.9
damage to pelvic organ (laceration) (rupture) (tear) 636.2
embolism (air) (amniotic fluid) (blood clot) (pulmonary) (pyemic) (septic) (soap) 636.6
genital tract and pelvic infection 636.0
hemorrhage, delayed or excessive 636.1
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