| |
with |
disorder of |
anaerobic glycolysis 282.3 |
pentose phosphate pathway 282.2 |
6-phosphogluconic dehydrogenase deficiency 282.2 |
Addison's (pernicious) 281.0 |
Addison-Biermer (pernicious) 281.0 |
amino acid deficiency 281.4 |
due to |
antineoplastic chemotherapy 284.89 |
chronic systemic disease 284.89 |
of or complicating pregnancy 648.2 |
red cell (acquired) (adult) (with thymoma) 284.81 |
autohemolysis of Selwyn and Dacie (type I) 282.2 |
autoimmune hemolytic 283.0 |
Biermer's (pernicious) 281.0 |
blood loss (chronic) 280.0 |
brickmakers' (see also Ancylostomiasis) 126.9 |
chronica congenita aregenerativa 284.01 |
combined system disease NEC 281.0 [336.2] |
due to dietary deficiency 281.1 [336.2] |
| |