Nephritis, nephritic (albuminuric) (azotemic) (congenital) (degenerative) (diffuse) (disseminated) (epithelial) (familial) (focal) (granulomatous) (hemorrhagic) (infantile) (nonsuppurative, excretory) (uremic) 583.9 |
pregnancy - see Nephritis, complicating pregnancy |
with nephrotic syndrome 581.0 |
purulent (see also Pyelitis) 590.80 |
rapidly progressive 583.4 |
salt-losing or salt-wasting (see also Disease, renal) 593.9 |
specified type of lead - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals |
septic (see also Pyelitis) 590.80 |
specified pathology NEC 583.89 |
staphylococcal (see also Pyelitis) 590.80 |
streptotrichosis 039.8 [583.81] |
subacute (see also Nephrosis) 581.9 |
suppurative (see also Pyelitis) 590.80 |
congenital 090.5 [583.81] |
terminal (chronic) (end-stage) NEC 585.6 |
toxic - see Nephritis, acute |
tubal, tubular - see Nephrosis, tubular |
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.0 [583.81] |
type II (Ellis) - see Nephrosis |
vascular - see also Hypertension, kidney |