Puerperal |
| |
diabetes (mellitus) (conditions classifiable to 249 and 250) 648.0 |
cerebrovascular (acute) 674.0 |
nonobstetric NEC (see also Pregnancy, complicated, current disease or condition) 648.9 |
Valsuani's (progressive pernicious anemia) 648.2 |
disorder |
nonobstetric NEC (see also Pregnancy, complicated, current disease or condition) 648.9 |
disruption |
perineal laceration wound 674.2 |
drug dependence (conditions classifiable to 304) 648.3 |
with pre-existing hypertension 642.7 |
embolism (pulmonary) 673.2 |
intracranial sinus (venous) 671.5 |
endophlebitis - see Puerperal, phlebitis |
engorgement, breasts 676.2 |
failure |
fever 670 |
meaning pyrexia (of unknown origin) 672 |
fistula |
| |