| |
duodenum (ulcer) - see Ulcer, duodenum, with perforation |
ear drum (see also Perforation, tympanum) 384.20 |
with otitis media - see Otitis media |
traumatic - see Wound, open, ear |
with open wound into cavity 862.32 |
cervical region - see Wound, open, esophagus |
eye (without prolapse of intraocular tissue) 871.0 |
with |
exposure of intraocular tissue 871.1 |
partial loss of intraocular tissue 871.2 |
prolapse of intraocular tissue 871.1 |
due to pregnancy - see Pregnancy, tubal |
traumatic - see Injury, internal, fallopian tube |
free wall (ventricle) (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9 |
gallbladder or duct (see also Disease, gallbladder) 575.4 |
traumatic - see Injury, internal, gallbladder |
gastric (see also Rupture, stomach) 537.89 |
globe (eye) (traumatic) - see Rupture, eye |
graafian follicle (hematoma) 620.0 |
heart (auricle) (ventricle) (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9 |
traumatic - see Rupture, myocardium, traumatic |
internal |
organ, traumatic - see also Injury, internal, by site |
heart - see Rupture, myocardium, traumatic |
kidney - see Rupture, kidney |
liver - see Rupture, liver |
spleen - see Rupture, spleen, traumatic |
semilunar cartilage - see Tear, meniscus |
intervertebral disc - see Displacement, intervertebral disc |
traumatic (current) - see Dislocation, vertebra |
traumatic - see Injury, internal, intestine |
intracranial, birth injury 767.0 |
traumatic - see Rupture, eye |
joint capsule - see Sprain, by site |
with open wound into cavity 866.13 |
due to birth injury 767.8 |
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