Sclerosis, sclerotic |
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with dementia - see Alzheimer's, dementia |
annularis fibrosi |
valve (see also Endocarditis, aortic) 424.1 |
artery, arterial, arteriolar, arteriovascular - see Arteriosclerosis |
Baló's (concentric) 341.1 |
basilar - see Sclerosis, brain |
brain (general) (lobular) 341.9 |
Alzheimer's - see Alzheimer's, dementia |
with dementia |
with behavioral disturbance 331.0 [294.11] |
without behavioral disturbance 331.0 [294.10] |
familial (chronic) (infantile) 330.0 |
infantile (chronic) (familial) 330.0 |
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher type 330.0 |
infantile (degenerative) (diffuse) 330.0 |
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher 330.0 |
progressive familial 330.0 |
cardiac - see Arteriosclerosis, coronary |
cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90 |
cardiovascular (see also Disease, cardiovascular) 429.2 |
renal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90 |
centrolobar, familial 330.0 |
cerebellar - see Sclerosis, brain |
cerebral - see Sclerosis, brain |
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