Tear, torn (traumatic) - see also Wound, open, by site |
| |
following |
ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.2 |
rectovaginal septum - see Laceration, rectovaginal septum |
retina, retinal (recent) (with detachment) 361.00 |
dialysis (juvenile) (with detachment) 361.04 |
giant (with detachment) 361.03 |
horseshoe (without detachment) 361.32 |
multiple (with detachment) 361.02 |
old |
partial (without detachment) |
round hole (without detachment) 361.31 |
single defect (with detachment) 361.01 |
total or subtotal (recent) 361.05 |
rotator cuff (traumatic) 840.4 |
semilunar cartilage, knee (see also Tear, meniscus) 836.2 |
tendon - see also Sprain, by site |
with open wound - see Wound, open by site |
tentorial, at birth 767.0 |
umbilical cord |
affecting fetus or newborn 772.0 |
complicating delivery 663.8 |
urethra |
with |
abortion - see Abortion, by type, with damage to pelvic organs |
following |
ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.2 |
uterus - see Injury, internal, uterus |
vagina - see Laceration, vagina |
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