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Wound, open (by cutting or piercing instrument) (by firearms) (cut) (dissection) (incised) (laceration) (penetration) (perforating) (puncture) (with initial hemorrhage, not internal) 879.8
buccal mucosa 873.61
complicated 873.71
buttock 877.0
complicated 877.1
calf 891.0
with tendon involvement 891.2
complicated 891.1
canaliculus lacrimalis 870.8
with laceration of eyelid 870.2
canthus, eye 870.8
laceration - see Laceration, eyelid
cavernous sinus - see Injury, intracranial
cerebellum - see Injury, intracranial
cervical esophagus 874.4
complicated 874.5
cervix - see Injury, internal, cervix
cheek(s) (external) 873.41
complicated 873.51
internal 873.61
complicated 873.71
chest (wall) (external) 875.0
complicated 875.1
chin 873.44
complicated 873.54
choroid 363.63
ciliary body (eye) (see also Wound, open, intraocular) 871.9
clitoris 878.8
complicated 878.9
cochlea 872.64
complicated 872.74
complicated 879.9
conjunctiva - see Wound, open, intraocular
cornea (nonpenetrating) (see also Wound, open, intraocular) 871.9
costal region 875.0
complicated 875.1
Descemet's membrane (see also Wound, open, intraocular) 871.9
foot 893.0
with tendon involvement 893.2
complicated 893.1
hand 883.0
with tendon involvement 883.2
complicated 883.1
drumhead, ear 872.61
complicated 872.71
ear 872.8
canal 872.02
complicated 872.12
complicated 872.9
drum 872.61
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