Asthma, asthmatic (bronchial) (catarrh) (spasmodic) 493.9 |
| |
with |
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 493.2 |
stated cause (external allergen) 493.0 |
cardiac (see also Failure, ventricular, left) 428.1 |
cardiobronchial (see also Failure, ventricular, left) 428.1 |
cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90 |
due to |
inhalation of fumes 506.3 |
internal immunological process 493.0 |
endogenous (intrinsic) 493.1 |
exercise induced bronchospasm 493.81 |
exogenous (cosmetics) (dander or dust) (drugs) (dust) (feathers) (food) (hay) (platinum) (pollen) 493.0 |
heart (see also Failure, ventricular, left) 428.1 |
Millar's (laryngismus stridulus) 478.75 |
New Orleans (epidemic) 493.0 |
pneumoconiotic (occupational) NEC 505 |
pulmonary eosinophilic 518.3 |
Rostan's (see also Failure, ventricular, left) 428.1 |
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) 011.9 |
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