Atresia, atretic (congenital) 759.89 |
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alimentary organ or tract NEC 751.8 |
ani, anus, anal (canal) 751.2 |
with hypoplasia of ascending aorta and defective development of left ventricle (with mitral valve atresia) 746.7 |
aortic (orifice) (valve) 746.89 |
aqueduct of Sylvius 742.3 |
with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida) 741.0 |
artery NEC (see also Atresia, blood vessel) 747.60 |
auditory canal (external) 744.02 |
bile, biliary duct (common) or passage 751.61 |
acquired (see also Obstruction, biliary) 576.2 |
blood vessel (peripheral) NEC 747.60 |
cardiac |
in pregnancy or childbirth 654.6 |
affecting fetus or newborn 763.89 |
causing obstructed labor 660.2 |
affecting fetus or newborn 763.1 |
with obstruction (see also Obstruction, gallbladder) 575.2 |
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