Carotid body or sinus syndrome 337.01 |
Carotinemia (dietary) 278.3 |
Carotinosis (cutis) (skin) 278.3 |
Carpal tunnel syndrome 354.0 |
Carpopedal spasm (see also Tetany) 781.7 |
Carrier (suspected) of |
Carrión's disease (Bartonellosis) 088.0 |
Carter's |
Cartilage - see condition |
Caruncle (inflamed) |
Caseation lymphatic gland (see also Tuberculosis) 017.2 |
Caseous |
Cassidy (-Scholte) syndrome (malignant carcinoid) 259.2 |
Castellani's bronchitis 104.8 |
Castleman's tumor or lymphoma (mediastinal lymph node hyperplasia) 785.6 |
Castration, traumatic 878.2 |
Cataplexy (idiopathic) see also Narcolepsy |
Cataract (anterior cortical) (anterior polar) (black) (capsular) (central) (cortical) (hypermature) (immature) (incipient) (mature) 366.9 |
Catarrh, catarrhal (inflammation) (see also condition) 460 |
Catarrhus aestivus (see also Fever, hay) 477.9 |
Catastrophe, cerebral (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436 |
Catatonia, catatonic (acute) 781.99 |
Cat-scratch - see also Injury, superficial |
Cauda equina - see also condition |
Cause |
Caustic burn - see also Burn, by site |
Cavare's disease (familial periodic paralysis) 359.3 |
Cave-in, injury |
Cavernous - see condition |
Cavitation of lung (see also Tuberculosis) 011.2 |
Cavity |
Cavovarus foot, congenital 754.59 |
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