Evisceration |
Evulsion - see Avulsion |
Ewing's |
Exaggerated lumbosacral angle (with impinging spine) 756.12 |
Examination (general) (routine) (of) (for) V70.9 |
Exanthem, exanthema (see also Rash) 782.1 |
Excess, excessive, excessively |
Excitability, abnormal, under minor stress 309.29 |
Excitation |
Excitement |
Excoriation (traumatic) (see also Injury, superficial, by site) 919.8 |
Exencephalus, exencephaly 742.0 |
Exercise |
Exfoliation |
Exfoliative - see also condition |
Exhaustion, exhaustive (physical NEC) 780.79 |
Exhibitionism (sexual) 302.4 |
Exophthalmic |
Explanation of |
Exsanguination, fetal 772.0 |
Exstrophy |
Extensive - see condition |
Extra - see also Accessory |
Extraction |
Extrauterine gestation or pregnancy - see Pregnancy, ectopic |
Extravasation |
Extremity - see condition |
Extrophy - see Exstrophy |
Extroversion |
Extrusion |
Exudate, pleura - see Effusion, pleura |
Exudative - see condition |
Eye, eyeball, eyelid - see condition |
Eyeworm disease of Africa 125.2 |
Faber's anemia or syndrome (achlorhydric anemia) 280.9 |
Fabry's disease (angiokeratoma corporis diffusum) 272.7 |
Face, facial - see condition |
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