Macrotia (external ear) (congenital) 744.22 |
Macula |
Macules and papules 709.8 |
Madelung's |
Madness (see also Psychosis) 298.9 |
Madura |
Maduromycosis (actinomycotic) 039.9 |
Maffucci's syndrome (dyschondroplasia with hemangiomas) 756.4 |
Magenblase syndrome 306.4 |
Main en griffe (acquired) 736.06 |
Maintenance |
Majocchi's |
Major - see condition |
Mal |
Malacoplakia |
Maladaptation - see Maladjustment |
Maladjustment |
Malakoplakia - see Malacoplakia |
Malaria, malarial (fever) 084.6 |
Malassez's disease (testicular cyst) 608.89 |
Maldevelopment - see also Anomaly, by site |
Malformation (congenital) - see also Anomaly |
Malfunction - see also Dysfunction |
Malgaigne's fracture (closed) 808.43 |
Malherbe's |
Malignancy (M8000/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant |
Malignant - see condition |
Malingerer, malingering V65.2 |
Mallet, finger (acquired) 736.1 |
Mallory-Weiss syndrome 530.7 |
Malnutrition (calorie) 263.9 |
Malocclusion (teeth) 524.4 |
Malposition |
Malpresentation, fetus (see also Presentation, fetal) 652.9 |
| |