Misdirection |
Mismanagement, feeding 783.3 |
Misplaced, misplacement |
Misshapen reconstructed breast 612.0 |
Missed |
Missing - see also Absence |
Misuse of drugs NEC (see also Abuse, drug, nondependent) 305.9 |
Mitchell's disease (erythromelalgia) 443.82 |
Mite(s) |
Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS syndrome) 277.87 |
Mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalopathy syndrome (MNGIE) 277.87 |
Mitral - see condition |
Mixed - see condition |
Mljet disease (mal de Meleda) 757.39 |
Mobile, mobility |
Mobitz heart block (atrioventricular) 426.10 |
Möbius' |
Moeller (-Barlow) disease (infantile scurvy) 267 |
Mohr's syndrome (types I and II) 759.89 |
Mola destruens (M9100/1) 236.1 |
Molarization, premolars 520.2 |
Mold(s) in vitreous 117.9 |
Molding, head (during birth) - omit code |
Mole (pigmented) (M8720/0) - see also Neoplasm, skin, benign |
Molimen, molimina (menstrual) 625.4 |
Mollaret's meningitis 047.9 |
Mollities (cerebellar) (cerebral) 437.8 |
Molluscum |
Mönckeberg's arteriosclerosis, degeneration, disease, or sclerosis (see also Arteriosclerosis, extremities) 440.20 |
Monday morning dyspnea or asthma 504 |
Mondini's malformation (cochlea) 744.05 |
Mondor's disease (thrombophlebitis of breast) 451.89 |
Mongolian, mongolianism, mongolism, mongoloid 758.0 |
Monilethrix (congenital) 757.4 |
Monilia infestation - see Candidiasis |
Moniliasis - see also Candidiasis |
Monoblastic - see condition |
Monochromatism (cone) (rod) 368.54 |
Monocytic - see condition |
Monocytosis (symptomatic) 288.63 |
Monomania (see also Psychosis) 298.9 |
Mononeuropathy (see also Mononeuritis) 355.9 |
| |