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Petit mal (idiopathic) (see also Epilepsy) 345.0
Petrellidosis 117.6
Petrositis 383.20
Peutz-Jeghers disease or syndrome 759.6
Peyronie's disease 607.85
Pfeiffer's disease 075
Phacentocele 379.32
Phacoanaphylaxis 360.19
Phacocele (old) 379.32
Phaehyphomycosis 117.8
Phagedena (dry) (moist) (see also Gangrene) 785.4
Phagedenic - see also condition
Phagomania 307.52
Phakoma 362.89
Phantom limb (syndrome) 353.6
Pharyngeal - see also condition
Pharyngitis (acute) (catarrhal) (gangrenous) (infective) (malignant) (membranous) (phlegmonous) (pneumococcal) (pseudomembranous) (simple) (staphylococcal) (subacute) (suppurative) (ulcerative) (viral) 462
Pharyngoconjunctival fever 077.2
Pharyngoconjunctivitis, viral 077.2
Pharyngolaryngitis (acute) 465.0
Pharyngoplegia 478.29
Pharyngotonsillitis 465.8
Pharyngotracheitis (acute) 465.8
Pharynx, pharyngeal - see condition
Phase of life problem NEC V62.89
Phenylketonuria (PKU) 270.1
Phenylpyruvicaciduria 270.1
Pheochromoblastoma (M8700/3)
Pheochromocytoma (M8700/0)
Phimosis (congenital) 605
Phlebectasia (see also Varicose, vein) 454.9
Phlebitis (infective) (pyemic) (septic) (suppurative) 451.9
Phlebofibrosis 459.89
Phleboliths 459.89
Phlebosclerosis 459.89
Phlebothrombosis - see Thrombosis
Phlebotomus fever 066.0
Phlegm, choked on 933.1
Phlegmon (see also Abscess) 682.9
Phlegmonous - see condition
Phlyctenulosis (allergic) (keratoconjunctivitis) (nontuberculous) 370.31
Phobia, phobic (reaction) 300.20
Phocas' disease 610.1
Phocomelia 755.4
Phoria (see also Heterophoria) 378.40
Phosphate-losing tubular disorder 588.0
Phosphatemia 275.3
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