Ruiter-Pompen (-Wyers) syndrome (angiokeratoma corporis diffusum) 272.7 |
Ruled out condition (see also Observation, suspected) V71.9 |
Rumination - see also Vomiting |
Runaway reaction - see also Disturbance, conduct |
Runeberg's disease (progressive pernicious anemia) 281.0 |
Runge's syndrome (postmaturity) 766.22 |
Russell's dwarf (uterine dwarfism and craniofacial dysostosis) 759.89 |
Russell's dysentery 004.8 |
Russell (-Silver) syndrome (congenital hemihypertrophy and short stature) 759.89 |
Russian spring-summer type encephalitis 063.0 |
Rust's disease (tuberculous spondylitis) 015.0 [720.81] |
Rustitskii's disease (multiple myeloma) (M9730/3) 203.0 |
Ruysch's disease (Hirschsprung's disease) 751.3 |
Rytand-Lipsitch syndrome (complete atrioventricular block) 426.0 |
Saber |
Sac, lacrimal - see condition |
Saccharomyces infection (see also Candidiasis) 112.9 |
Saccular - see condition |
Sacculation |
Sachs (-Tay) disease (amaurotic familial idiocy) 330.1 |
Sacks-Libman disease 710.0 [424.91] |
Sacralization |
Sacroiliac joint - see condition |
Sacrum - see condition |
Saddle |
Saint |
Salicylism |
Salivary duct or gland - see also condition |
Salivation (excessive) (see also Ptyalism) 527.7 |
Salmonella (aertrycke) (choleraesuis) (enteritidis) (gallinarum) (suipestifer) (typhimurium) (see also Infection, Salmonella) 003.9 |
Salpingitis (catarrhal) (fallopian tube) (nodular) (pseudofollicular) (purulent) (septic) (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) 614.2 |
Salpingo-oophoritis (catarrhal) (purulent) (ruptured) (septic) (suppurative) 614.2 |
Salpingo-ovaritis (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) 614.2 |
Salpingoperitonitis (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) 614.2 |
Salt-losing |
Salt-rheum (see also Eczema) 692.9 |
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