Barraquer's disease or syndrome (progressive lipodystrophy) 272.6 |
Barré-Guillain syndrome 357.0 |
Barré-Liéou syndrome (posterior cervical sympathetic) 723.2 |
Barrett's syndrome or ulcer (chronic peptic ulcer of esophagus) 530.85 |
Bársony-Polgár syndrome (corkscrew esophagus) 530.5 |
Bársony-Teschendorf syndrome (corkscrew esophagus) 530.5 |
Bartholin's |
Bartholinitis (suppurating) 616.89 |
Bartter's syndrome (secondary hyperaldosteronism with juxtaglomerular hyperplasia) 255.13 |
Basal - see condition |
Basan's (hidrotic) ectodermal dysplasia 757.31 |
Basedow's disease or syndrome (exophthalmic goiter) 242.0 |
Basic - see condition |
Basilar - see condition |
Bason's (hidrotic) ectodermal dysplasia 757.31 |
Basophilism (corticoadrenal) (Cushing's) (pituitary) (thymic) 255.0 |
Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome (abetalipoproteinemia) 272.5 |
Bateman's |
Batten's disease, retina 330.1 [362.71] |
Batten-Mayou disease 330.1 [362.71] |
Batten-Steinert syndrome 359.21 |
Battered |
Battey mycobacterium infection 031.0 |
Battledore placenta - see Placenta, abnormal |
Battle exhaustion (see also Reaction, stress, acute) 308.9 |
Baumgarten-Cruveilhier (cirrhosis) disease, or syndrome 571.5 |
Bauxite |
Bayle's disease (dementia paralytica) 094.1 |
Bazin's disease (primary) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.1 |
Beaded hair (congenital) 757.4 |
Beard's disease (neurasthenia) 300.5 |
Bearn-Kunkel (-Slater) syndrome (lupoid hepatitis) 571.49 |
Beat |
Beats |
Beau's |
Bechterew's disease (ankylosing spondylitis) 720.0 |
| |