Bennett's |
Bent |
Berger's paresthesia (lower limb) 782.0 |
Bergeron's disease (hysteroepilepsy) 300.11 |
Beriberi (acute) (atrophic) (chronic) (dry) (subacute) (wet) 265.0 |
Berlin's disease or edema (traumatic) 921.3 |
Bernard-Horner syndrome (see also Neuropathy, peripheral, autonomic) 337.9 |
Bernard-Sergent syndrome (acute adrenocortical insufficiency) 255.41 |
Bernard-Soulier disease or thrombopathy 287.1 |
Bernhardt's disease or paresthesia 355.1 |
Bernhardt-Roth disease or syndrome (parasthesia) 355.1 |
Bernheim's syndrome (see also Failure, heart) 428.0 |
Bertolotti's syndrome (sacralization of fifth lumbar vertebra) 756.15 |
Berylliosis (acute) (chronic) (lung) (occupational) 503 |
Besnier's |
Besnier-Boeck disease or sarcoid 135 |
Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann disease (sarcoidosis) 135 |
Beta-adrenergic hyperdynamic circulatory state 429.82 |
Beta-aminoisobutyric aciduria 277.2 |
Beta-mercaptolactate-cysteine disulfiduria 270.0 |
Beta thalassemia (major) (minor) (mixed) 282.49 |
Beurmann's disease (sporotrichosis) 117.1 |
Bezold's abscess (see also Mastoiditis) 383.01 |
Bianchi's syndrome (aphasia-apraxia-alexia) 784.69 |
Bicornuate or bicornis uterus 752.3 |
Bicuspid aortic valve 746.4 |
Bielschowsky's disease 330.1 |
Bielschowsky-Jansky |
Biemond's syndrome (obesity, polydactyly, and mental retardation) 759.89 |
Biermer's anemia or disease (pernicious anemia) 281.0 |
Bifid (congenital) - see also Imperfect, closure |
Biforis uterus (suprasimplex) 752.3 |
Bifurcation (congenital) - see also Imperfect, closure |
Big spleen syndrome 289.4 |
Bilateral - see condition |
Bile duct - see condition |
Bile pigments in urine 791.4 |
Bilharziasis (see also Schistosomiasis) 120.9 |
Biliary - see condition |
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