Diplococcus, diplococcal - see condition |
Dipsomania (see also Alcoholism) 303.9 |
Direction, teeth, abnormal 524.30 |
Disability |
Disarticulation (see also Derangement, joint) 718.9 |
Disaster, cerebrovascular (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436 |
Discharge |
Discogenic syndrome - see Displacement, intervertebral disc |
Discoid |
Discoloration |
Discomfort |
Discomycosis - see Actinomycosis |
Discontinuity, ossicles, ossicular chain 385.23 |
Discrepancy |
Discrimination |
Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome |
Disfigurement (due to scar) 709.2 |
Disgerminoma - see Dysgerminoma |
Disintegration, complete, of the body 799.89 |
Dislocatable hip, congenital (see also Dislocation, hip, congenital) 754.30 |
Dislocation (articulation) (closed) (displacement) (simple) (subluxation) 839.8 |
Dislodgement |
Disobedience, hostile (covert) (overt) (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.0 |
Disorder - see also Disease |
Displacement, displaced |
Disruption |
Disruptio uteri - see also Rupture, uterus |
Dissatisfaction with |
Dissecting - see condition |
Dissection |
Disseminated - see condition |
Dissociated personality NEC 300.15 |
Dissociation |
Dissociative |
Dissolution, vertebra (see also Osteoporosis) 733.00 |
Distention |
Distichia, distichiasis (eyelid) 743.63 |
Distoma hepaticum infestation 121.3 |
Distomolar (fourth molar) 520.1 |
Disto-occlusion (division I) (division II) 524.22 |
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