Flutter |
Flux (bloody) (serosanguineous) 009.0 |
Focal - see condition |
Fochier's abscess - see Abscess, by site |
Focus, Assmann's (see also Tuberculosis) 011.0 |
Foix-Alajouanine syndrome 336.1 |
Folds, anomalous - see also Anomaly, specified type NEC |
Follicle |
Folliclis (primary) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0 |
Follicular - see also condition |
Folliculosis, conjunctival 372.02 |
Føllling's disease (phenylketonuria) 270.1 |
Follow-up (examination) (routine) (following) V67.9 |
Fong's syndrome (hereditary osteoonychodysplasia) 756.89 |
Food |
Foot - see also condition |
Foramen ovale (nonclosure) (patent) (persistent) 745.5 |
Forbes' (glycogen storage) disease 271.0 |
Forbes-Albright syndrome (nonpuerperal amenorrhea and lactation associated with pituitary tumor) 253.1 |
Forced birth or delivery NEC 669.8 |
Forceps |
Fordyce's disease (ectopic sebaceous glands) (mouth) 750.26 |
Fordyce-Fox disease (apocrine miliaria) 705.82 |
Forearm - see condition |
Foreign body |
Forking, aqueduct of Sylvius 742.3 |
Formation |
Fossa - see also condition |
Foster-Kennedy syndrome 377.04 |
Fothergill's |
Found dead (cause unknown) 798.9 |
Fournier's disease (idiopathic gangrene) 608.83 |
Fourth |
Fox's |
Fox-Fordyce disease (apocrine miliaria) 705.82 |
Fracture (abduction) (adduction) (avulsion) (compression) (crush) (dislocation) (oblique) (separation) (closed) 829.0 |
Fragilitas |
Fragility |
Fragmentation - see Fracture, by site |
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