Intraventricular - see condition |
Intrinsic deformity - see Deformity |
Intrusion, repetitive, of sleep (due to environmental disturbances) (with atypical polysomnographic features) 307.48 |
Intumescent, lens (eye) NEC 366.9 |
Intussusception (colon) (enteric) (intestine) (rectum) 560.0 |
Invagination |
Inversion |
Investigation |
Inviability - see Immaturity |
Involuntary movement, abnormal 781.0 |
Involution, involutional - see also condition |
IQ |
Iridochoroiditis (panuveitis) 360.12 |
Iridocyclochoroiditis (panuveitis) 360.12 |
Iridoplegia (complete) (partial) (reflex) 379.49 |
Iris - see condition |
Iron |
Irradiated enamel (tooth, teeth) 521.89 |
Irradiation |
Irreducible, irreducibility - see condition |
Irregular, irregularity |
Irritability (nervous) 799.2 |
Irritable - see Irritability |
Irritation |
Ischialgia (see also Sciatica) 724.3 |
Ischium, ischial - see condition |
Iselin's disease or osteochondrosis 732.5 |
Islands of |
Islet cell tumor, pancreas (M8150/0) 211.7 |
Isoimmunization NEC (see also Incompatibility) 656.2 |
Issue |
| |