Nondevelopment |
Nonengagement |
Nonexanthematous tick fever 066.1 |
Nonexpansion, lung (newborn) NEC 770.4 |
Nonfunctioning |
Nonhealing |
Nonimplantation of ovum, causing infertility 628.3 |
Noninsufflation, fallopian tube 628.2 |
Nonne-Milroy-Meige syndrome (chronic hereditary edema) 757.0 |
Nonpatent fallopian tube 628.2 |
Nonpneumatization, lung NEC 770.4 |
Nonretention of food - see Vomiting |
Nonrotation - see Malrotation |
Nonsecretion, urine (see also Anuria) 788.5 |
Nonunion |
Nonvisualization, gallbladder 793.3 |
Non-working side interference 524.56 |
Normal |
Normocytic anemia (infectional) 285.9 |
Norrie's disease (congenital) (progressive oculoacousticocerebral degeneration) 743.8 |
North American blastomycosis 116.0 |
Nose, nasal - see condition |
Notched lip, congenital (see also Cleft, lip) 749.10 |
Notching nose, congenital (tip) 748.1 |
Nothnagel's |
Novy's relapsing fever (American) 087.1 |
Noxious |
NPDH (new persistent daily headache) 339.42 |
Nucleus pulposus - see condition |
Nursemaid's |
Nutrition, deficient or insufficient (particular kind of food) 269.9 |
Nyctalopia (see also Blindness, night) 368.60 |
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