Subglossitis - see Glossitis |
Subinvolution (uterus) 621.1 |
Sublingual - see condition |
Subluxation - see also Dislocation, by site |
Submaxillary - see condition |
Submersion (fatal) (nonfatal) 994.1 |
Submissiveness (undue), in child 313.0 |
Submucous - see condition |
Subnormal, subnormality |
Subphrenic - see condition |
Subscapular nerve - see condition |
Subsiding appendicitis 542 |
Substernal thyroid (see also Goiter) 240.9 |
Subtentorial - see condition |
Subtertian |
Subthyroidism (acquired) (see also Hypothyroidism) 244.9 |
Succenturiata placenta - see Placenta, abnormal |
Succussion sounds, chest 786.7 |
Sucking thumb, child 307.9 |
Sudden |
Sudeck's atrophy, disease, or syndrome 733.7 |
SUDS (Sudden unexplained death) 798.2 |
Suffocation (see also Asphyxia) 799.01 |
Sugar |
Suicide, suicidal (attempted) |
Suipestifer infection (see also Infection, Salmonella) 003.9 |
Sulfhemoglobinemia, sulphemoglobinemia (acquired) (congenital) 289.7 |
Sumatran mite fever 081.2 |
Summer - see condition |
SUNCT (short lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing) 339.05 |
Sunken |
Superinvolution uterus 621.8 |
Supernumerary (congenital) |
Supervision (of) |
Suppression |
Suppuration, suppurative - see also condition |
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