Teeth, tooth - see also condition |
Telangiectasia, telangiectasis (verrucous) 448.9 |
Telecanthus (congenital) 743.63 |
Telescoped bowel or intestine (see also Intussusception) 560.0 |
Teletherapy, adverse effect NEC 990 |
Temperature |
Temper tantrum (childhood) (see also Disturbance, conduct) 312.1 |
Temple - see condition |
Temporal - see also condition |
Temporomandibular joint-pain-dysfunction syndrome 524.60 |
Temporosphenoidal - see condition |
Tendency |
Tenderness |
Tendinitis, tendonitis (see also Tenosynovitis) 726.90 |
Tendon - see condition |
Tendosynovitis - see Tenosynovitis |
Tendovaginitis - see Tenosynovitis |
Tenia - see Taenia |
Teniasis - see Taeniasis |
Tenonitis - see also Tenosynovitis |
Tenontosynovitis - see Tenosynovitis |
Tenontothecitis - see Tenosynovitis |
Tenosynovitis (see also Synovitis) 727.00 |
Tenovaginitis - see Tenosynovitis |
Tension |
Tentorium - see condition |
Teratoblastoma (malignant) (M9080/3) - see Neoplasm, by site, malignant |
Teratocarcinoma (M9081/3) - see also Neoplasm, by site, malignant |
Teratoma (solid) (M9080/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, uncertain behavior |
Termination |
Ternidens diminutus infestation 127.7 |
Terry's syndrome (see also Retinopathy of prematurity) 362.21 |
Tertiary - see condition |
Tessellated fundus, retina (tigroid) 362.89 |
Test(s) |
Testicle, testicular, testis - see also condition |
Tetanus, tetanic (cephalic) (convulsions) 037 |
Tetralogy of Fallot 745.2 |
Tetraplegia - see Quadriplegia |
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