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995 Certain adverse effects not elsewhere classified
complications of surgical and medical care (996.0-999.9)
995.0 Other anaphylactic shock
Allergic shock NOS or due to adverse effect of correct medicinal substance properly administered
Anaphylactic reaction NOS or due to adverse effect of correct medicinal substance properly administered
Anaphylaxis NOS or due to adverse effect of correct medicinal substance properly administered
anaphylactic reaction to serum (999.4)
anaphylactic shock due to adverse food reaction (995.60-995.69)
Use additional E code to identify external cause, such as:
adverse effects of correct medicinal substance properly administered [E930-E949]
995.1 Angioneurotic edema
Giant urticaria
due to serum (999.5)
other specified (698.2, 708.0-708.9, 757.33)
995.2 Other and unspecified adverse effect of drug, medicinal and biological substance (due) to correct medicinal substance properly administered
Adverse effect to correct medicinal substance properly administered
Allergic reaction to correct medicinal substance properly administered
Hypersensitivity to correct medicinal substance properly administered
Idiosyncrasy due to correct medicinal substance properly administered
hypersensitivity NOS
reaction NOS
pathological drug intoxication (292.2)
995.3 Allergy, unspecified
Allergic reaction NOS
Hypersensitivity NOS
Idiosyncrasy NOS
allergic reaction NOS to correct medicinal substance properly administered (995.27)
allergy to existing dental restorative materials (525.66)
specific types of allergic reaction, such as:
allergic diarrhea (558.3)
dermatitis (691.0-693.9)
hayfever (477.0-477.9)
995.4 Shock due to anesthesia
Shock due to anesthesia in which the correct substance was properly administered
complications of anesthesia in labor or delivery (668.0-668.9)
overdose or wrong substance given (968.0-969.9)
postoperative shock NOS (998.0)
specified adverse effects of anesthesia classified elsewhere, such as:
anoxic brain damage (348.1)
hepatitis (070.0-070.9), etc.
unspecified adverse effect of anesthesia (995.22)
995.5 Child maltreatment syndrome
Use additional code(s), if applicable, to identify any associated injuries
Use additional E code to identify:
nature of abuse (E960-E968)
perpetrator (E967.0-E967.9)
995.6 Anaphylactic shock due to adverse food reaction
Anaphylactic reaction due to food
Anaphylactic shock due to nonpoisonous foods
995.7 Other adverse food reactions, not elsewhere classified
Use additional code to identify the type of reaction, such as:
hives (708.0)
wheezing (786.07)
anaphylactic shock due to adverse food reaction (995.6)
asthma (493.0, 493.9)
dermatitis due to food (693.1)
in contact with the skin (692.5)
gastroenteritis and colitis due to food (558.3)
rhinitis due to food (477.1)
Web icd9cm.chrisendres.com