| |
| 300 Anxiety, dissociative and somatoform disorders |
| 300.0 Anxiety states
Excludes: anxiety in:
acute stress reaction (308.0)
transient adjustment reaction (309.24)
neurasthenia (300.5)
psychophysiological disorders (306.0-306.9)
separation anxiety (309.21) |
| |
| 300.2 Phobic disorders
Excludes: anxiety state not associated with a specific situation or object (300.00-300.09)
obsessional phobias (300.3) |
eicd10 | 300.3 Obsessive-compulsive disorders
Anancastic neurosis
Compulsive neurosis
Obsessional phobia [any]
Excludes: obsessive-compulsive symptoms occurring in:
endogenous depression (296.2-296.3)
organic states (e.g., encephalitis) schizophrenia (295.0-295.9) |
eicd10 | 300.4 Dysthymic disorder
Anxiety depression
Depression with anxiety
Depressive reaction
Neurotic depressive state
Reactive depression
Excludes: adjustment reaction with depressive symptoms (309.0-309.1)
depression NOS (311)
manic-depressive psychosis, depressed type (296.2-296.3)
reactive depressive psychosis (298.0) |
eicd10 | 300.5 Neurasthenia
Fatigue neurosis
Nervous debility
general fatigue
Use additional code to identify any associated physical disorder
Excludes: anxiety state (300.00-300.09)
neurotic depression (300.4)
psychophysiological disorders (306.0-306.9)
specific nonpsychotic mental disorders following organic brain damage (310.0-310.9) |
eicd10 | 300.6 Depersonalization disorder
Derealization (neurotic)
Neurotic state with depersonalization episode
Excludes: depersonalization associated with:
anxiety (300.00-300.09)
depression (300.4)
manic-depressive disorder or psychosis (296.0-296.9)
schizophrenia (295.0-295.9) |
eicd10 | 300.7 Hypochondriasis
Body dysmorphic disorder
Excludes: hypochondriasis in:
hysteria (300.10-300.19)
manic-depressive psychosis, depressed type (296.2-296.3)
neurasthenia (300.5)
obsessional disorder (300.3)
schizophrenia (295.0-295.9) |
| |
eicd10 | 300.9 Unspecified nonpsychotic mental disorder
Psychoneurosis NOS |