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713 Arthropathy associated with other disorders classified elsewhere
arthritis associated with conditions classifiable below
arthropathy associated with conditions classifiable below
polyarthritis associated with conditions classifiable below
polyarthropathy associated with conditions classifiable below
713.0 Arthropathy associated with other endocrine and metabolic disorders
Code first underlying disease, as:
acromegaly (253.0)
hemochromatosis (275.0)
hyperparathyroidism (252.00-252.08)
hypogammaglobulinemia (279.00-279.09)
hypothyroidism (243-244.9)
lipoid metabolism disorder (272.0-272.9)
ochronosis (270.2)
arthropathy associated with:
amyloidosis (713.7)
crystal deposition disorders, except gout (712.1-712.9)
diabetic neuropathy (713.5)
gouty arthropathy (274.0)
713.1 Arthropathy associated with gastrointestinal conditions other than infections
Code first underlying disease, as:
regional enteritis (555.0-555.9)
ulcerative colitis (556)
713.2 Arthropathy associated with hematological disorders
Code first underlying disease, as:
hemoglobinopathy (282.4-282.7)
hemophilia (286.0-286.2)
leukemia (204.0-208.9)
malignant reticulosis (202.3)
multiple myelomatosis (203.0)
arthropathy associated with Henoch-Schönlein purpura (713.6)
713.3 Arthropathy associated with dermatological disorders
Code first underlying disease, as:
erythema multiforme (695.10-695.19)
erythema nodosum (695.2)
psoriatic arthropathy (696.0)
713.4 Arthropathy associated with respiratory disorders
Code first underlying disease, as:
diseases classifiable to 490-519
arthropathy associated with respiratory infections (711.0, 711.4-711.8)
713.5 Arthropathy associated with neurological disorders
Charcot's arthropathy associated with diseases classifiable elsewhere
Neuropathic arthritis associated with diseases classifiable elsewhere
Code first underlying disease, as:
neuropathic joint disease [Charcot's joints]:
NOS (094.0)
diabetic (249.6, 250.6)
syringomyelic (336.0)
tabetic [syphilitic] (094.0)
713.6 Arthropathy associated with hypersensitivity reaction
Code first underlying disease, as:
Henoch-Schönlein purpura (287.0)
serum sickness (999.5)
allergic arthritis NOS (716.2)
713.7 Other general diseases with articular involvement
Code first underlying disease, as:
amyloidosis (277.30-277.39)
familial Mediterranean fever (277.31)
sarcoidosis (135)
713.8 Arthropathy associated with other conditions classifiable elsewhere
Code first underlying disease, as:
conditions classifiable elsewhere except as in 711.1-711.8, 712, and 713.0-713.7
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