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730 Osteomyelitis, periostitis, and other infections involving bone
jaw (526.4-526.5)
petrous bone (383.2)
Use additional code to identify organism, such as Staphylococcus (041.1)
The following fifth-digit subclassification is for use with category 730; valid digits are in [brackets] under each code. See list at beginning of chapter for definitions:
0 site unspecified
1 shoulder region
2 upper arm
3 forearm
4 hand
5 pelvic region and thigh
6 lower leg
7 ankle and foot
8 other specified sites
9 multiple sites
730.0 Acute osteomyelitis
Abscess of any bone except accessory sinus, jaw, or mastoid
Acute or subacute osteomyelitis, with or without mention of periostitis
Use additional code to identify major osseous defect, if applicable (731.3)
730.1 Chronic osteomyelitis
Brodie's abscess
Chronic or old osteomyelitis, with or without mention of periostitis
Sclerosing osteomyelitis of Garré
Use additional code to identify major osseous defect, if applicable (731.3)
aseptic necrosis of bone (733.40-733.49)
730.2 Unspecified osteomyelitis
Osteitis or osteomyelitis NOS, with or without mention of periostitis
Use additional code to identify major osseous defect, if applicable (731.3)
730.3 Periostitis without mention of ostemyelitis
Abscess of periosteum, without mention of osteomyelitis
Periostosis, without mention of osteomyelitis
that in secondary syphilis (091.61)
730.7 Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelitis
Code first underlying disease (045.0-045.9)
730.8 Other infections involving bone in disease classified elsewhere
Code first underlying disease, as:
tuberculosis (015.0-015.9)
typhoid fever (002.0)
syphilitis of bone NOS (095.5)
730.9 Unspecified infection of bone
Web icd9cm.chrisendres.com