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Sacral nerve stimulation test lead, A4290
Safety equipment, E0700
 vest, wheelchair, E0980
 hypertonic, J7130
 solution, J7030-J7050, A4216-A4218
Samarium SM 153 Lexidronamm, A9605
Sargramostim (GM-CSF), J2820
Scoliosis, L1000 - L1499
 additions, L1010-L1120, L1210-L1290
 skin, A6250
 tooth, D1351
 attachment, walker, E0156
 insert, wheelchair, E0992
 lift (patient), E0621, E0627-E0629
 upholstery, wheelchair, E0975
Secretin, J2850
Semen analysis, G0027
Sensitivity study, P7001
Sermorelin acetate, Q0515
Serum clotting time tube, A4771
SEWHO, L3960-L3974
Sheepskin pad, E0188, E0189
 arch support, L3040-L3100
 for diabetics, A5500-A5508
 insert, L3000-L3030
 lift, L3300-L3334
 miscellaneous additions, L3500-L3595
 orthopedic, L3201-L3265
 positioning device, L3140-L3170
 transfer, L3600-L3649
 wedge, L3340-L3485
 disarticulation, prosthetic, L6300-L6320, L6550
 orthosis (SO), L3650 - L3675
 spinal, cervical, L0100-L0200
Shoulder-elbow-wrist-hand orthosis (SEWHO), L3960-L3969
Shunt accessory for dialysis, A4740
 aqueous, L8612
Sigmoidoscopy, cancer screening, G0104, G0106
Silicate dental restoration, D2210
Sincalide, J2805
Sirolimus, J7520
Sitz bath, E0160-E0162
 barrier, ostomy, A4362, A4363, A4369-A4373, A4385, A5120
 bond or cement, ostomy, A4364
 sealant, protectant, moisturizer, A6250
Sling, A4565
 patient lift, E0621, E0630, E0635
Social worker, nonemergency transport, A0160
 body sock, L0984
 prosthetic sock, L8420-L8435, L8470, L8480, L8485
 stump sock, L8470-L8485
 chloride injection, J2912
 ferric gluconate complex in sucrose, J2916
 Euflexxa, J7323
 Hyalgan, J7321
 Orthovisc, J7324
 Supartz, J7321
 phosphate P32, A9563
 succinate, J1720
 calibrator, A4256
 dialysate, A4760
 elliotts b, J9175
 enteral formulae, B4149-B4156
 parenteral nutrition, B4164-B5200
Somatrem, J2940
Somatropin, J2941
Sorbent cartridge, ESRD, E1636
Specialty absorptive dressing, A6251-A6256
Spectinomycin HCl, J3320
Speech assessment, V5362-V5364
Speech generating device, E2500-E2599
Spinal orthosis,
 cervical, L0100-L0200
 cervical-thoracic-lumbar-sacral (CTLSO), L0700, L0710
DME, K0112-K0116
 halo, L0810-L0830
 multiple post collar, L0180-L0200
 scoliosis, L1000-L1499
 torso supports, L0960
Splint, A4570, L3100, L4350-L4380
 ankle, L4390-L4398
 dynamic, E1800, E1805, E1810, E1815, E1825, E1830, E1840
 footdrop, L4398
Static progressive stretch, E1801, E1806, E1811, E1816, E1818, E1821
Sterile cefuroxime sodium, J0697
Sterile water, A4216-A4217
 neuromuscular, E0744, E0745
 osteogenesis, electrical, E0747-E0749
 ultrasound, E0760
 salivary reflex, E0755
 stoma absorptive cover, A5083
Stomach tube, B4083
Streptokinase, J2995
Streptomycin, J3000
Streptozocin, J9320
Strip, blood glucose test, A4253, A4772
 urine reagent, A4250
Strontium-89 chloride, supply of, A9600
Stump sock, L8470-L8485
Stylet, A4212
Succinylcholine chloride, J0330
Suction pump
 gastric, home model, E2000
 portable, E0600
 respiratory, home model, E0600
Sumatriptan succinate, J3030
Supartz, J7321
Supply/accessory/service, A9900
 arch, L3040-L3090
 cervical, L0100-L0200
 spinal, L0960
 stockings, L8100-L8239
Surgery, oral, D7000-D7999
 boot, L3208-L3211
 brush, dialysis, A4910
 dressing, A6196-A6406
 stocking, A4490-A4510
 supplies, A4649
 tray, A4550
Swabs, betadine or iodine, A4247
Synvisc, J7322
Syringe, A4213
 with needle, A4206-A4209
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