54.29 Other diagnostic procedures on abdominal region
abdominal lymphangiogram (88.04)
abdominal x-ray NEC (88.19)
angiocardiography of venae cava (88.51)
C.A.T. scan of abdomen (88.01)
contrast x-ray of abdominal cavity (88.11-88.15)
intra-abdominal arteriography NEC (88.47)
microscopic examination of peritoneal and retroperitoneal specimen (91.11-91.19)
phlebography of:
intra-abdominal vessels NEC (88.65)
portal venous system (88.64)
sinogram of abdominal wall (88.03)
soft tissue x-ray of abdominal wall NEC (88.09)
tomography of abdomen NE (88.02)
ultrasonography of abdomen and retroperitoneum (88.76)