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00.4 Adjunct Vascular System Procedures
Note: These codes can apply to both coronary and peripheral vessels. These codes are to be used in conjunction with other
therapeutic procedure codes to provide additional information on the number of vessels upon which a procedure
was performed and/or the number of stents inserted. As appropriate, code both the number of vessels operated
on (00.40-00.43), and the number of stents inserted (00.45-00.48).
Code also any:
angioplasty or atherectomy (00.61-00.62, 00.66, 39.50)
endarterectomy (38.10-38.18)
insertion of vascular stent(s) (00.55, 00.63-00.65, 36.06-36.07, 39.90)
other removal of coronary artery obstruction (36.09)
00.40 Procedure on single vessel
Number of vessels, unspecified
(aorto)coronary bypass (36.10-36.19)
intravascular imaging of blood vessels (00.21-00.29)
00.41 Procedure on two vessels
(aorto) coronary bypass (36.10-36.19)
intravascular imaging of blood vessels (00.21-00.29)
00.42 Procedure on three vessels
(aorto) coronary bypass (36.10-36.19)
intravascular imaging of blood vessels (00.21-00.29)
00.43 Procedure on four or more vessels
(aorto) coronary bypass (36.10-36.19)
intravascular imaging of blood vessels (00.21-00.29)
00.44 Procedure on vessel bifurcation
Note: This code is to be used to identify the presence of a vessel bifurcation; it does not describe a specific bifurcation stent. Use this code only once per operative episode, irrespective of the number of bifurcations in vessels.
00.45 Insertion of one vascular stent
Number of stents, unspecified
00.46 Insertion of two vascular stents
00.47 Insertion of three vascular stents
00.48 Insertion of four or more vascular stents
00.49 SuperSaturated oxygen therapy
Aqueous oxygen (AO) therapy
SuperOxygenation infusion therapy
Code also any: injection or infusion of thrombolytic agent (99.10)
insertion of coronary artery stent(s) (36.06-36.07)
intracoronary artery thrombolytic infusion (36.04)
number of vascular stents inserted (00.45-00.48)
number of vessels treated (00.40-00.43)
open chest coronary artery angioplasty (36.03)
other removal of coronary obstruction (36.09)
percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty [PTCA] (00.66)
procedure on vessel bifurcation (00.44)
Excludes: other oxygen enrichment (93.96)
other perfusion (39.97)
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